What Are Hiring Managers Thinking?

 When prepping for an interview we often review a standard list of questions, do some company research and possibly look up the hiring managers or interviewers LinkedIn profile to check out their background and identify an icebreaker, like, they love the Celtics and you’re a Lakers fan. HA!
I’m guessing you haven’t thought about preparing for what the hiring manager is really looking to find out about you during the interview…Why is this important? In my experience, it calms you down during the interview process and often prepares you mentally (and emotionally) for those unexpected questions…So that you aren’t thinking to yourself “Why did they ask me that?” “Are they trying to make me squirm?”
While there are some oddball interview scenarios, more often than not, you’re going to be interviewed by someone that is ultimately trying to figure out if you have the skills for the job, if you’re a cultural fit and do you really want to work there and for them? When you think about their thought-process, as they’re sitting on the other side of the table, this way it is much easier to relax and answer their interview questions.


I’ve worked with 100s of hiring managers and I have come to the conclusion that they’re all trying to figure out these 3 things about you…
  1. Prepared & Articulate. Do you have the skills for the job? Are you good at articulating past projects and work that you’ve done? Does it seem like you thought about and prepared answers or examples that are directly applicable to the job you’re interviewing for?
  2. Problem-Solving. How do you solve problems? Did you ask questions? Are you bullheaded or will you reach out for help before something goes wrong? Are you good at explaining how you solve problems to a group or to a manager/peers?
  3. Engaged. Are you energetic? Do you actually want this job and to work here? Have you researched the company and did you come with ideas to solve some of the companies problems OR are you curious about the problems they solve or the products/services they provide to the consumer?


Don’t forget, when you’re interviewing with a hiring manager you also want to interview them as well. If you’re going to directly report to this person you want to make sure you’d like working for them too! Ask them questions about their management style and what their expectations are for this role within the first month, 6 months and the first year.
If you remember one thing from this post, remember this, the hiring manager is trying to understand your thought-process and what it would be like to work with you and trust you to do work for him/her. When you approach interviews this way it often turns into an enjoyable conversation and less like a robotic exchange of strengths and weaknesses.


Best of luck to you all!!! Feel free to send C.C. Coach any questions you may have!
– C. C. Coach
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