On Edge At Work ?

Are you always “on edge” at work? Is it due to a lack of communication from management, unclear goals or high-stress levels?
How can you effectively combat communication, goal setting/expectations, and high-stress levels at work? The solution is not always to look for another job – but in some cases its necessary. Before jumping ship, I’d recommend trying the exercises listed below to help you reduce or eliminate the elements that are causing you to be “on edge” in the workplace. Focus on the things you have control over.
In work environments where you feel anxious or are constantly stressed-out the following factors are usually the culprits (and are inhibiting you from doing your best work):
  1. Communication – Effective communication amongst teams and especially from managers is a must for a healthy and effective working environment.
    • You can help to solve this issue by requesting a weekly meeting with your manager and/or team. A time to sync up. Talk about what everyone is working on and what projects are most important. If someone is overwhelmed discuss plans to have some team members that are free to assist them. If you’re the overwhelmed person – don’t be afraid to speak-up! 
  2. Expectations/Goal Setting – Do you know what you’re being “graded” on or what your managers’ expectations are for your role or on a specific project?
    • Start by sending your manager a list at the beginning or end of each week with what you’re working on. By giving them insight into what you’re doing this week or what you achieved this week you’re able to coax them into providing feedback. If they notice that you’re excelling, struggling or working on projects they don’t want you spending time on…you are then able to create the foundation for a productive goal-setting conversation. Once this is communicated make sure that you meet with your boss to review the goals and their expectations. Continue sending the highlights email to keep them in the loop and keep you both accountable.
  3. High-Stress Levels – Some jobs have a high element of stress that can’t be eliminated. Self-care and controlling our reactions to stress are ways to manage stress when it comes.
    • I have several friends and colleagues that swear by exercising before they go to work. It pumps you full of endorphins before your day starts. I enjoy going for a run after work to clear my head. We don’t all have free time to spend and hour to work out…or, we need a solution in the moment while at the office. I recommend finding a mantra, prayer, quote, etc. Anything that can help you calm yourself and regain perspective. I also recommend going for a walk (out of or just around the office) if that’s not an option get-up and grab a cup of coffee/tea. Take yourself out of the stressful situation for a few minutes and go back to it with a slightly fresher head. There’s no magical solution but these have all worked for me and my colleagues in the past.
The solutions and best practices that we just talked about are quicker ways to combat a negative work environment. If you find yourself constantly in a state of anxiety and your job is affecting your health, relationships, and well-being negatively – It is not crazy to consider removing yourself from this kind of work place. You are never stuck. There are always options but you do have to prepare yourself for the process and focused effort required for an effective job search. If you’re not sure how to start your job search check out “5 Job Search Tools: What? How? Why?”.
As always, please feel free to send your career, job search and interview questions to cafecareercoach@gmail.com.
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